About the IALEI E-Newsletter

IALEI aims at regularly sending out e-newsletters to follow up on the member universities’ research initiatives and news within the themes formerly dealt with by IALEI joint research projects as well as in the Educational Alliance Magazine. Use the opportunity to get an update on some of the most relevant topics within the field of educational research.

The theme of the next edition of the IALEI E-Newsletter will be based upon an interview with Professor John Hattie.


IALEI E-Newsletter 07

IALEI e-newsletter from December 2012 is about the empirical turn in educational science. It is based on an interview with Professor John Hattie, Melbourne Graduate School of Education, the University of Melbourne. His book ‘Visible Learning for Teachers’ (Routledge, 2012) is one of the clearest symptoms of the empirical turn inside educational research, not least because it is based upon compelling and ground-breaking statistics-based data. You can read about the possible effects
for schools and teachers here.


IALEI E-Newsletter 06

This issue is based on an interview with Professor John Polesel, Melbourne Graduate School of Education, the University of Melbourne. It deals with Australia’s investment in improving the quality of school-based vocational training to give those with an interest in practice better and more attractive opportunities for developing their job-oriented interests at a high level. Download.


IALEI E-Newsletter 05

This issue is about Sustaianble Development Education and contains two main articles: A status report on the disappointment experienced and the initiatives taken in education since the COP15 meeting in Copenhagen in December 2009, written by the former head of the IALEI joint research project on Sustainable Development Education, Professor Jeppe Laessoe.
The other article is a commentary on how researchers can gain leverage in the climate discussion, written by Vice-Dean for Dissemination Claus Holm, Department of Education, Aarhus University. Download.


IALEI E-Newsletter 04

– A new world of knowledge dissemination and transfer is emerging and it may change higher education in new ways…Read more in this newsletter on “Global Higher Education: Trade, Trends and Challenges”.

The main article is written by Professor Mark Johnson, Researcher Sarah A. Mason and Professor, Associate Dean Amy Stambach, School of Education and Wisconsin Centre for Education Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison, US. Download.


IALEI E-Newsletter 03

The interest in lifelong learning has never been greater than now. Different countries and regions have widely differing historical backgrounds, opportunities and limitations for realising certain strategies for lifelong learning. The articles in this issue are based on interviews with Professor Andy Green, Institute of Education, University of London, and Professor Songhee Han from the Department of Education, Seoul National University. Download.


IALEI E-Newsletter 02

Is the education miracle an Asian or a ‘Finnish’ miracle? To make the world richer, we must find out what counts as success from diverse perspectives. ‘Learning from Success’ is the title of the most recent E-Newsletter from IALEI. The main article is written by Professor Lee Wing On and Professor and Director Lee Sing Kong, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.


IALEI E-Newsletter 01

This is the first issue of the IALEI e-newsletter to external partners and stakeholders. This issue describes how IALEI unites researchers from the ten institutes in a joint research team, in order to pursue a theme of international relevance. Each year the national reports, a comparative study and the feedback from the international conference is the basis for the formulation of policy recommendations. Read about IALEI and the joint research themes.


In order to subscribe to the IALEI E-Newsletter, kindly email: IALEI@dpu.dk