About the International Network of Educational Institutes (INEI)

The genesis for INEI (formerly International Alliance of Leading Education Institutes) is rooted in the shared optimism that the pooling of common experiences and achievements amongst a community of educators can bring about advances in education internationally.

Each of the member institutions has its own strengths and achievements and receives international recognition for its teaching programs and research. Through their investment in ongoing research, they are making – and will continue to make- significant contributions to education in their own countries and internationally. Through the Network, ten institutions bring to the table their individual accomplishments and strengths,  and together  they can be a catalyst for change in the area of education. Thus the Network endeavors to:

  • offer something unique by speaking with a single collective voice and with some degree of authority on educational matters, especially teacher education – thus significantly raising the profile of education in the arenas of public consciousness and government policy.

  • bring synergy to the group in order to collaborate on issues of major concern in education.

  • be a think tank to debate and generate ideas, anticipate trends and future scenarios, and communicate through statements and declarations on critical issues in education that will have an impact on policy decisions in their respective countries as well as in the rest of the world.

  • develop statements and declarations of interest to international funding institutions and organizations and policy makers.


  • INEI holds an annual business meeting to identify, discuss and address key issues, identify relevant audiences and develop appropriate communication plans.

  • On an annual basis a joint research team is established, chaired by a researcher from the host institution, to develop the agreed research topic for that year.

  • At an annual international conference INEI presents its policy recommendations based on the joint research team's comparative studies.

  • The Network communicates the outcomes of its collective work to external audiences through its website and publications.

  • Each year, two international research teams will be funded through INEI seed fundings to conduct rigorous research on educational issues that are concerned globally. The research team must composed by researchers from two or more member institutes.


  • The chair of the Network rotates on an annual basis, with effect from the annual business meeting.

  • A temporary support administration is located at the Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, China starting from January 2018.