Climate change and sustainable development – The response from education
Climate Change and Sustainable Development are currently among the hottest topics, globally speaking, and the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014) has placed them firmly on the educational agenda. Although we are now at the halfway-point of this Decade, the actual role and contribution of education has so far mainly been dealt with in vague terms.
The International Alliance of Leading Education Institutes has therefore decided to pool its unique resources within the field of Education for Sustainable Development in a joint project to explore educational initiatives and experiences in a truly international perspective. Research teams at each of the ten partner universities have produced reports analysing the state of affairs in their particular country. Based on the national reports, a cross-national analysis detailing global trends and regional differences within the field has been made.
A set of recommendations based on the project’s findings was presented at the International Alliance of Leading Education Institutes’ annual conference in Seoul in August 2009 – in time for the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP15) to be held in December 2009. In this issue of the Education Alliance Quarterly, you will meet some of the researchers from the project and learn about the global state of the art of Education for Sustainable Development. (15 September 2009)
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